Royal Ruskies

Royal Ruskies

Friday, June 10, 2011

Hello new friends. Welcome to our blog!!!!! We have our party hats on!!!!!

Happy Saturday Morning! We are so glad you stopped by for a visit. Please feel free to leave us a message so we know you dropped our sandbox. We are on face book also under the same name.......Royal Ruskies if you would like to check us out there too! Whiskers and Purrrs, Jake and Elwood


  1. Hello royal sweethearts. You are both very cute. I found you through the Pet Blogger Hop and am now your third follower. I am a cat too. I hope you can follow me and come and say 'Meow!' at my blog too from time to time. Purrrrr!

  2. Woof! We just found your blog! Welcome to the world of blogging - it's a lot of work but sooo much creative fun!

    Oh, and we're still searching for treats you can eat so start licking your lips pretty boys!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my site! I have to admit that I only sometimes like kitties -- I can't help it! But you two are just too cute. :)

    I'm glad you've joined our wonderful family -- looking forward to learning more about you!

    Woofs & hugs,


  4. Hi Jake and Elwood! Like in the Blues Brothers, I get it! Thanks for visiting our blog and leaving such a nice comment. We like kitties, too, did you see picture of our 2 kitties? They kind of look like you guys. They are also brothers from the same mother...ha ha ha. Osiris is all gray and Brodie and white and gray, kind of longish furs, longer than yours.

    Drools and licks,
    Minnie and Mack

  5. Hi you two cuties! We awe you newest followews fwom da Hop! Wese two Burmese and a silly Wire Fox Terrier.

    Chloe, Cecil and Winston

  6. You two are just adorable!! We have three kitty siblings!!

    Pugs & Kisses,

    Yoda, Brutus & Ellie

  7. We can't believe all the wonderful new friends we are making! This is just so much fun!

  8. Hi new friends. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love meeting new friends too. You both are real cuties. I can't wait to read more of your posts.

  9. Hi new furriends!! You boys are too cute! Thanks for stopping by to say hello, and I look forward to following your adventures! (p.s. I love your hats!)
